Frist Art Museum

The Frist Art Museum, formerly known as the Frist Center for the Visual Arts, is an art exhibition hall in Nashville, Tennessee.

The idea for this site is to inspire users to look at their world in a new way - not only by convincing them to visit or become a member, but by actually changing what they see. This concept shows four home page variations to do just that. The site would shift based on the user’s choice of view.

1.The Original View would appear on load, giving the user a clean, simplistic design with easy to use navigation.

2. The Inversed View reverses whites and blacks on the page, allowing users to enter a dark mode, setting up a different background to view the art.

3. The Flipped View moves content from the left side of the screen to the right side, this lets the user to bypass any architectural bias the site has an make navigational descisions on their own.

4. The Accessible View is reminiscent of a screen reader transcript, giving the viewers insight into what it might be like to navigate a digital space with a visual disability.

See prototype here.

Osborn Barr Paramore had the Frist as a client from 2004-2019. This concept was developed before the Frist hired a new digital agency. They decided not to go this route.


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