
Unilever and Dove needed help modernizing their digital presence to be up to par with competitors. Their goal was to drive conversions and leave users with a sense of bold confidence about the brand.

  • Dove’s website was stuck in 2013, when it was last revamped. They were losing revenue because their product finder tool wasn’t easily finable on their site. They wanted to be competing digitally as they do in-store with big names like Revlon, Aveeno, and Maybelline.

  • After extensive competitor and user research, we determined that even though Dove doesn’t sell directly to consumers on their site, they should still be treating their site like an ecommerce experience. We wanted to lean in with product landing and detail hierarchy and a full reorganization of the navigation.

  • I was the agency UX lead for this project. Competitor research, user research, focus groups, IA restructure, Wireframes, Annotations, Design direction

  • The updated site just went like Dec 2023 so results are still pending but initial response is positive.

Navigation & IA

The biggest UX issue of the old Dove site was the information architecture. They were focusing on brand initiatives and had 6 layers deep and no landing pages for content deep dives. We did extensive iterating and collaborating to get to a solution.

Navigation Option 1

  • Product first but more more equal weighting to non-products. Gives summary of brand at a glance - we have products, we take action, we are experts

Navigation Option 2

  • Product first, lower priority of purpose & article content. Follows ecommerce trends by elevating categories to constant visibility.

Navigation Evolution

We took the old IA and Navigational structure and flipped it on it’s head to simplify the brand. We wanted users to understand immediately the 3 things Dove is at it’s core.

Products the bread and butter of Dove.
Action the societal change and impactful project Dove initiates
Expertise Dove’s unique perspective on beauty

Pages & Wires

One of the key pillars for this overhaul was making the site more like an ecommerce site. The old site didn’t have product cards, product landing pages, or traditional product detail pages. My biggest push was building out a product landing to product detail flow and experience that was simple but also encompassed the breadth of product Dove offers.

Product Landing Page

The old site was incredible siloed - with no landing pages for product browsing. We knew from research that these users were shoppers and expected an e-commerce experience and were being let down. I developed a product landing experience that was able to scale from the smallest category to the largest while promoting cross-category shopping with a top level filter. Check out how it turned out here

How it turned out

While last minute client changes or dev limitations change the final outcome of almost every project, this one no exception, I’m proud and happy with the outcome. The site is significantly better now then when I approached it and I can’t wait to see how it helps transform the brand. Check it out


Morton Buildings