Bread Financial

Bread Financial, previously ADS, needed to rebrand and reorganize their app and website to meet the demands of the customer and align themselves in the market with their competitors | Bread App

  • Bread Financial in 2023 had one of the highest interest rates of returns for users with savings accounts and offered incredible perks and benefits for new customers but users weren’t satisfied with the digital payment and account interaction capabilities.

  • Bread wanted a website and app that worked seamlessly together and reduced call volume to the help center while also increasing on-time credit card payments and deposits into savings accounts

  • Make banking fun. So many banking institution apps are burdensome and frustrating to interact with. We wanted to make the experience of depositing money and paying bills fun by adding thoughtful interactive moments and reducing the path to completion for main tasks.

  • I was the agency lead on this project helping with UX research, wireframing, IA establishment, journey mapping, and more. I worked in collaboration with the clients and my team.


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